
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Food is Agriculture
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Sharon Spencer, Director, Direct Farm Marketing Division, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Season 5, Episode 29
"Eating is an agricultural act." - Wendell Berry, Kentucky Author
In celebration of National Agriculture Week and National Nutrition Month®, we visit this week with Sharon Spencer of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA). Sharon discusses our Kentucky Farmers Markets which can be found in almost every county in the state and how they are important to local economies and cultures. She also discusses the Plate it up! Kentucky Proud project, an important partnership between the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, KDA, and the UK Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition.
For more information visit:
Find a Farmers Market
Plate it up! Kentucky Proud
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Sharon's Favorite Plate it up! Kentucky Proud Recipes

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Nutrition Buzzwords
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health
Season 5, Episode 28
Do you sometimes find the terms used in nutrition advice mystifying? Perhaps they are term you have heard but don't know precisely what they mean? On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Heather Norman-Burgdolf is going to breakdown some of the most common nutrition buzzwords and share what they mean and their origins.
For more information:
Macronutrients: Why We Need a Balanced Diet
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Nutrition for those living with Cancer
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Rachel Miller, MS, RD, CSO, LD, Registered Dietitian Consultant, University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center
Cancer Conversations Episode 41
Making food choices may be difficult for those undergoing cancer treatment due to how the treatment might affect appetite, taste, and smell. On this episode of Cancer Conversation, Rachel Miller shares nutrition tips for those living with cancer.
Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS is a partnership project between Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and the Markey Cancer Center.
Connect with the UK Markey Cancer Center
Online Markey Cancer Center
On Facebook @UKMarkey
On Twitter @UKMarkey

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
SHRINKFLATION: Increasing prices, decreasing quantity!
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Nichole Huff, Extension Specialist for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 27
Shrinkflation might not be a term you are familiar with, but you are probably feeling its effects. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Nichole Huff shares all about shrinkflation and its cousin, inflation, and how the two are affecting our budgets.
For more information about this topic and other MoneyWi$e topics, visit:
MoneyWi$e Newsletter
MoneyWi$e Website
MoneyWi$e Facebook Page

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Dental Career Opportunities
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Kenneth Nusbacher, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, UK College of Dentistry
Dental careers are popular. Dentists are ranked highly for their work-life balance. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the growth rate for dental assistants is expected to exceed the growth rate for all occupations by three percent in the ten year period from 2021 to 2031. On this episode of KY Smiles, Dr. Kenneth Nusbacher shares about the many dental careers and the necessary preparation they require.
For more information:
Why Be A Dentist
Dentistry at UK
Dental Assisting
Connect with the UK College of Dentistry by clicking any of the links below:
Dentistry | UK HealthCare
UK Dentistry on Facebook
UK Dentistry on Twitter

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Helping Your Child Manage Anger
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. David Weisenhorn, Extension Specialist for Parenting and Child Development
Season 5, Episode 26
Anger is a natural emotion. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. David Weisenhorn shares strategies for helping your child process anger in healthy ways. He provides tips for discussing situations that cause anxiety and providing children with tools to handle times when their anger might be overwhelming.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Strategies for Lower Stress Family Mealtime
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, University of Kentucky, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
Guest: Dr. Courtney Luecking, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health
Season 5, Episode 25
Family meals can often be a source of stress when children are young, especially if they feel like a battleground between what a child wants to eat and what the parents want the child to eat. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Courtney Luecking breaks down some simple strategies to help families lower the stress level for every during family mealtimes. She recommends using a proven methods that divides responsibility, so that everyone leaves meal feeling successful.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Toxic Positivity
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Bethany Giles, LCSW, Oncology Social Worker, Markey Cancer Center
Cancer Conversations Episode 40
Can one ever be too positive? On this episode of Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS, Bethany Giles shares that failing to acknowledge the realities facing someone living with cancer might not be the best policy. She gives guidance for maintaining a positive outlook while understanding the journey faced by the cancer patient and family.
Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS is a partnership project between Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and the Markey Cancer Center.
Connect with the UK Markey Cancer Center
Online Markey Cancer Center
On Facebook @UKMarkey
On Twitter @UKMarkey

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
In the Face of Disaster - Helping Others who Experience Trauma
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Paul Norrod, Extension Specialist for Rural Health and Safety
Season 5, Episode 24
In the Face of Disaster, a new publication series created by a group of Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, seeks to provide Kentuckians with the resources they need to prepare before disasters strike and the skills to cope in the aftermath of these life changing events.
Dr. Paul Norrod shares strategies for helping others who have suffered through traumatic events. He provides insight into providing support and assistance that is truly needed rather than what you think is helpful.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
In the Face of Disaster - Recovering from Disaster
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guests: Hardin Stevens, Extension Associate for Family and Consumer Sciences and Miranda Bejda, Graduate Assistant for Family Resource Management.
Season 5, Episode 23
In the Face of Disaster, a new publication series created by a group of Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, seeks to provide Kentuckians with the resources they need to prepare before disasters strike and the skills to cope in the aftermath of these life changing events.
After disaster strikes, finding the resources to support the recovery for your family can be challenging, if your neighborhood or even your entire town is also recovering. On this episode of Talking FACS, Hardin Stevens and Miranda Bejda share important reminders for keeping your family and property properly protected in the event of a natural disaster.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Starting the New Year off right for your Oral Health
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. David DeVito, Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Oral Diagnosis and Treatment, UK College of Dentistry
As we enter a new year, many people are inclined to reflect and make resolutions that will lead to personal improvements in physical and mental health. Adding an oral health resolution can potentially help you achieve other resolutions as you look to establish new habits. On this episode of KY Smiles, Dr. David Devito shares tips for ensuring that your oral health resolutions stick around for all of 2023.
Click each link for more information.
ADA Seal of Acceptance
Oral Health Tips
Oral Hygiene
Connect with the UK College of Dentistry by clicking any of the links below:
Dentistry | UK HealthCare
UK Dentistry on Facebook
UK Dentistry on Twitter

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Amy Kostelic, Extension Specialist for Adult Development and Aging
Season 5, Episode 22
In the Face of Disaster, a new publication series created by a group of Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, seeks to provide Kentuckians with the resources they need to prepare before disasters strike and the skills to cope in the aftermath of these life changing events.
When disaster strikes, it is a frightening time for everyone, but especially people who might not be ambulatory or don't understand what is happening. In this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Amy Kostelic shares tips for helping older adults who have challenges with mobility or cognition get to safety. She outlines the importance of ensuring that emergency plans are followed and contacts are made.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
UK FCS Website
FCS Facebook
FCS Instagram