
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Saving Money on Medical Expenses
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Nichole Huff, Extension Specialist for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 39
Medical expenses are some of the most significant expenses some families have in their budgets. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Nichole Huff share strategies for reducing the financial impact of medical expenses and tips for planning for future costs related to health care.
For more information about this topic and other MoneyWi$e topics, visit:
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Wednesday May 31, 2023
Pickleball!?! - What is it?
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guests: Hardin Stevens, Extension Specialist for Family and Consumer Sciences, Dr. Amy Kostelic, Assistant Extension Professor for Adult Development and Aging, and Katherine Jury, Extension Specialist for Family Health
Season 5, Episode 38
Summer is upon us, so let's get outside and play. On this episode of Talking FACS, Extension professionals share about one of the fastest growing sporting trends to hit recreation - Pickleball! They help our listeners understand the game and share about its benefits. This is part 1 of a two-part series.
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Tuesday May 23, 2023
Eat Your Words - Phrases that Encourage Children to Try New Foods
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Courtney Luecking, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health
Season 5, Episode 37
Things adults say around children matter. This includes the way we talk about food and children’s behavior around food. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Courtney Luecking discusses the differences between phrases that help or hamper children from trying new foods.
To connect with FCS Extension:
Kentucky Extension Offices
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Full episode transcript

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Debt Repayment Blizzard
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Nichole Huff, Extension Specialist for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 33
As we wrap up Financial Literacy Month, Dr. Nichole Huff comes back on Talking FACS to discuss two different but similar ways to reduce debt. She shares information about the "Snowball" and "Avalanche" repayment strategies which seek to either reduce the total number of bills you need to pay monthly, or reduce the amount of interest you are paying on debt. Enjoy this lively discussion about ways to "deep freeze" your debt.
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Full episode transcript

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Managing Bed Bugs
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Zachary DeVries, Assistant Professor of Urban Entomology, Department of Entomology
Season 5, Episode 36
You probably have been told at some point in your life to "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." Hopefully, that has been your only experience with bed bugs. But if you have had the misfortune of encountering them in real life, our guest on this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Zach DeVries share suggestiongs for getting them out of your bed. His hot tip is, "Don't panic and remember they are just bugs that can be eradicated!"
For more information:
Bed Bugs ENT 636
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Full episode transcript

Thursday May 11, 2023
Cancer Support Groups
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Julie Case Steffey, LCSW, Oncology Social Worker, Markey Cancer Center
Cancer Conversations Episode 43
Whether it is you or a loved one who has cancer, having others to talk to who are experiencing life with cancer can have beneficial results. In this episode of Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS, Juile Steffey shares some of the benefits of connecting with support groups for those living with cancer and for those who love and care for them. While support groups might not be for everyone, the Oncology Social Work team at Markey Cancer Center can recommend the support patients and their families need as they travel this journey.
Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS is a partnership project between Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and the Markey Cancer Center.
Connect with the UK Markey Center
Online Markey Cancer Center
On Facebook @UKMarkey
On Twitter @UKMarkey

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Encouraging Children
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. David Weisenhorn, Extension Specialist for Parenting and Child Development
Season 5, Episode 35
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, caregiver or maybe an aunt or uncle or a good family friend, being a trusted adult in the life of a child is an awesome privilege and responsibility. Doing all that you can to support and encourage the children in your life doesn't always come naturally, so sometimes thoughtful consideration and practice is necessary. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. David Weisenhorn shares strategies for encouraging children and helping them to grow into thriving adults.
To connect with FCS Extension:
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Tuesday May 02, 2023
Banking for Everyone
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Kelly May, Senior Extension Associate for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 34
Banking is for anyone and everyone. Whether you have never had a bank account, or you have had banking challenges in the past, Kelly May discusses banking options for you on this episode of Talking FACS. Banks and credit unions have many options for all different types of consumers from those who just need a place for their direct deposit to land to those who want to establish savings and checking accounts for the long term.
For more information about this topic and other MoneyWi$e topics, visit:
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Monday Apr 17, 2023
Compound Interest
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Kelly May, Senior Extension Associate for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 32
April is Financial Literacy Month. Throughout this month our shows will feature topics related to finances - everything from giving to the magic of compound interest (today's topic)! Join in each week this month to raise your Financial IQ without going back to school.
Compound interest let's your money work for you! When you put your money into an account that earns compound interest, its growth is much faster than when it is earning simple interest. Listen to today's episode to learn more about how compound interest can work for (or against) your financial goals!
For more information about this topic and other MoneyWi$e topics, visit:
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Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Financial Considerations for Cancer Patients
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Charles McCann, Patient Financial Counselor, University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center
Cancer Conversations Episode 42
Sometimes people who have cancer don't seek treatment because of the financial burden they are concerned that it will place on their family. On this episode of Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS, Charles McCann shares information that can alleviate those fears as he outlines resources that are available to cancer patients and their families.
Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS is a partnership project between Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and the Markey Cancer Center.
Connect with the UK Markey Cancer Center
Online Markey Cancer Center
On Facebook @UKMarkey
On Twitter @UKMarkey
SHRINKFLATION: Increasing prices, decreasing quantity!
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Nichole Huff, Extension Specialist for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 27
Shrinkflation might not be a term you are familiar with, but you are probably feeling its effects. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Nichole Huff shares all about shrinkflation and its cousin, inflation, and how the two are affecting our budgets.
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Dental Career Opportunities
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Kenneth Nusbacher, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, UK College of Dentistry
Dental careers are popular. Dentists are ranked highly for their work-life balance. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the growth rate for dental assistants is expected to exceed the growth rate for all occupations by three percent in the ten year period from 2021 to 2031. On this episode of KY Smiles, Dr. Kenneth Nusbacher shares about the many dental careers and the necessary preparation they require.
For more information:
Why Be A Dentist
Dentistry at UK
Dental Assisting
Connect with the UK College of Dentistry by clicking any of the links below:
Dentistry | UK HealthCare
UK Dentistry on Facebook
UK Dentistry on Twitter
Helping Your Child Manage Anger
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. David Weisenhorn, Extension Specialist for Parenting and Child Development
Season 5, Episode 26
Anger is a natural emotion. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. David Weisenhorn shares strategies for helping your child process anger in healthy ways. He provides tips for discussing situations that cause anxiety and providing children with tools to handle times when their anger might be overwhelming.
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Strategies for Lower Stress Family Mealtime
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, University of Kentucky, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
Guest: Dr. Courtney Luecking, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health
Season 5, Episode 25
Family meals can often be a source of stress when children are young, especially if they feel like a battleground between what a child wants to eat and what the parents want the child to eat. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Courtney Luecking breaks down some simple strategies to help families lower the stress level for every during family mealtimes. She recommends using a proven methods that divides responsibility, so that everyone leaves meal feeling successful.
To connect with FCS Extension:
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Toxic Positivity
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Charles McCann, Patient Financial Services, Markey Cancer Center
Financial concerns can sometimes be a reason for persons with cancer failing to seek needed cancer care. On this episode of Cancer Conversations on Talking FACS, Charles McCann shares how patients and their families can get the care they need and find the resources to support their care.
Connect with the UK Markey Cancer Center
Online Markey Cancer Center
On Facebook @UKMarkey
On Twitter @UKMarkey

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Giving Respectfully: Tips for helping after a natural disaster
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Nichole Huff, Extension Specialist for Family Finance and Resource Management
Season 5, Episode 31
April is Financial Literacy Month. Throughout this month our shows will feature topics related to finances - everything from giving (today's topic) to the magic of compound interest! Join in each week this month to raise your Financial IQ without going back to school.
Giving is second nature for some people. But when we give after a natural disaster occurs, it is important that we put a little thought behind what and how we give. On this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Nichole Huff share strategies for ensuring that the gifts we give are what is needed in times of distress.
For more information about this topic and other MoneyWi$e topics, visit:
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Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Nutrition Fraud
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Host: Dr. Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Director for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky
Guest: Dr. Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health
Season 5, Episode 30
When we think about topics of mystery and intrigue, nutrition doesn't often come to mind. However, on this episode of Talking FACS, Dr. Heather Norman-Burgdolf pulls back the curtain to reveal some of the most common types of nutrition fraud perpetrated in the US. She provides tips for spotting fraudulent claims as well as where to go to find information that is trustworthy, based on sound evidence.
FCS Extension has just completed a Big Blue Book Club session on this topic. For more information, you can watch the recordings of each session on our YouTube Channel linked below or scan the QR code in the graphic.
Big Blue Book Club - Is Butter A Carb? Playlist
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